FlowShare Feature Requests & Ideas

  1. Translate FlowShare documents into various languages

    Translate flow and export files into different languages after a recording process: english, french, italian, spanish ...

    Team FlowShare


  2. Be able to select image editing software

    If a user don't want paint to be the image editing software another could be selected in settings



  3. Default Flow strings ("Click", "Visit" etc.) translation

    It would be great to have the option of changing the default strings ("Click", "Visit" etc.) That way we could translate these strings in the Settings instead of changing them on every step of the Flow, one by one. It wouldn't require any translation from your side as every user would do this himself.



  4. Screenshot Organizer

    Currently the screenshots all show on the left panel. Would be nice to have the option to display all screenshots in a canvas view (with the ability to change thumbnail size) so we can more easily reorganize and/or delete screenshots. The thumbnail on the left side is too limiting (i.e. number of images shown) and most often the thumbnail is not large enough to see so it is necessary to click to enlarge it (a time consuming process if you have a large flow to manage).

    Paul H


  5. Zoom Out of Blur

    Blur feature is quite difficult to use for large spaces, it needs the ability to zoom out to get a larger area

    Tom M
    #Improvement#Editing#Template / Design Settings


  6. Create video

    Please make this an Adobe Captivate alternative with video export :-)

    Bjarne E


  7. Recording: Detect Keyboard Shortcuts and create a description of the pressed buttons

    Bei einigen Programmen findet die Steuerung größtenteils über Tastaturkürzel ab. Daher kam der Wunsch auf, Tastaturkürzel zu erkennen: Erkennung der Funktionstasten (z.B. ESC / TAB / CTRL / ALT)

    Team FlowShare


  8. Move / copy steps between 2 different flows

    Sometimes I need to move a step from one flow to another to finish the document.

    Team FlowShare


  9. Select multiple steps at once to to move and delete them.

    Its tedious to move steps one by one inside a flow. It would be easier to select several at once.

    Team FlowShare


  10. Add additional rectangle markups

    I very often use rectangles with numbering - this can be done in Paint (this connection is very good) - but it is tedious to make it look consistent afterwards.

    Team FlowShare


  11. Capturing Second Screen (only)

    I use an older laptop for the screenshots. Its screensize is a bit outdated. (And it is even worse as the flowshare Working-Panel on the left reduces the size of the screen even more.) If i could use a second screen and make the screenrecordings there, i would be able to connect a larger sized monitor like 4k or other sizes. I hope this would be possible. Making screenshots on a second screen should be possible e.g.: irfanview can do this.

    Sebastian S


  12. Improved Crop / Crop All Feature

    Current Cropping only offers the "apply to all" feature for steps within the same application without an Undo feature. Improved Cropping includes 2 buttons - Crop One, and Crop All for applying the Crop selection to other steps based on preference: All steps, steps in a section, only new steps within the flow, - and all of these selections can be applied to just a certain application.

    Team FlowShare


  13. Include Text descriptions directly in the Screenshot

    Speech bubble to point out something important about the step directly in the image.

    Team FlowShare


  14. Add additional / custom fields to the exports

    These custom fields could include: version numbering(for ISO 9001 conform documentation) date field

    Team FlowShare


  15. Upload custom Arrow shapes

    Allow the option to upload a custom arrow shape as png or svg file in the settings.

    Team FlowShare
